Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour is a required course for both marketing diploma and marketing degree students within the School of Business at KPU. This course examines the perceptions, motivations, attitudes and behaviours of consumers in various purchasing and decision-making contexts. Much of the content and theories adapted to consumer behaviour are rooted in psychology, anthropology, and sociology. This Open Ed project involves the creation of an open textbook that takes a less conventional look at consumer behaviour by examining the relationship between marketing & culture. The fundamental question it asks, is, “how do marketing and culture inform and influence one another?” This project intends to demonstrate to business students that marketing is a responsibility that should be done with care and consideration: because when it’s not, it causes real harm to members of society everywhere. Stereotyping, cultural appropriation, and the under/over representation of (often marginalized) sub-cultures is perpetuated through marketing creations: this OER aims to address why marketers elect to do harm and how the next generation of marketers can avoid it completely and still flourish in their profession.
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design Workshop 2019 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.

Andrea Niosi
Andrea Niosi is a Marketing Instructor in the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia, Canada.